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Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statements of Operations And Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Note A - Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note B - Inventories
Note C - Property and Equipment
Note D - Leases
Note E - Other Comprehensive Loss
Note F - Debt
Note G - Income Taxes
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans
Note I - Stockholders' Equity
Note J - Commitments
Note K - Economic Dependency
Note L - Derivatives and Hedging
Note M - Contingencies
Note N - Segment Information
Note O - Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note A - Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Note B - Inventories (Tables)
Note C - Property and Equipment (Tables)
Note D - Leases (Tables)
Note E - Other Comprehensive Loss (Tables)
Note G - Income Taxes (Tables)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans (Tables)
Note I - Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
Note J - Commitments (Tables)
Note K - Economic Dependency (Tables)
Note N - Segment Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Note A - Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Note A - Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Calculation of Basic and Diluted Net Income Per Common Share (Details)
Note B - Inventories (Details Textual)
Note B - Inventories - Summary of Inventories (Details)
Note C - Property and Equipment (Details Textual)
Note C - Property and Equipment - Summary of Property and Equipment (Details)
Note D - Leases (Details Textual)
Note D - Leases - Lease Cash Flow Information (Details)
Note E - Other Comprehensive Loss - Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Details)
Note F - Debt (Details Textual)
Note G - Income Taxes (Details Textual)
Note G - Income Taxes - Geographical Breakdown of Income Before Income Taxes (Details)
Note G - Income Taxes - Provision for Income Taxes (Details)
Note G - Income Taxes - Net Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities (Details)
Note G - Income Taxes - Reconciliation of Income Tax Provision (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans (Details Textual)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Defined Benefit Pension Plan's Funded Status and Amount Recognized (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Components Included in Defined Benefit Pension Plan's Net Periodic Benefit Expense (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Summary of Changes in Plan Assets and Benefit Obligation (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Benefit Payments Expected to be Paid (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Weighted-average Rates Used In Determining Defined Benefit Pension Plan's Net Pension Costs (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Defined Benefit Pension Plan's Weighted Average Asset Association and Weighted Average Target Allocation (Details)
Note H - Employee Benefit Plans - Fair Values by Asset Category of Defined Benefit Pension Plan (Details)
Note I - Stockholders' Equity (Details Textual)
Note I - Stockholders' Equity - Treasury Stock Repurchases (Details)
Note I - Stockholders' Equity - Stock Option Activity (Details)
Note I - Stockholders' Equity - Restricted Stock (Details)
Note J - Commitments (Details Textual)
Note J - Commitments - Minimum Rental Commitments (Details)
Note K - Economic Dependency (Details Textual)
Note K - Economic Dependency - Substantial Net Sales to Certain Customers (Details)
Note K - Economic Dependency - Substantial Net Purchase From Certain Suppliers (Details)
Note L - Derivatives and Hedging (Details Textual)
Note N - Segment Information (Details Textual)
Note N - Segment Information - Operating Results by Business Segment (Details)
Note N - Segment Information - Assets by Business Segment (Details)
Note N - Segment Information - Net Sales by Geographic Region (Details)
Note N - Segment Information - Long-lived Assets by Geographical Region (Details)
Note N - Segment Information - Total Assets by Geographical Region (Details)
Note N - Segment Information - Capital Expenditures by Geographical Region (Details)
Note O - Subsequent Events (Details Textual)
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